In the environment of outsourced application development in India -- the solution design is reviewed in detail with the customer and his explicit concurrence is obtained. Such a strategy has the following twofold benefits It permits MAG studios to fully involve the customer in the assignment.The risks are recognized upfront and risk mitigation strategies have the buy in of the customer.
MAG studios undertakes the software development in an outsourced application development in India as per laid down and agreed software engineering practices. In cases where the customer has established practices, these engineering practices are followed. Alternately, the engineering practices are discussed upfront and agreed. Next, MAG studios compiles the agreed metrices and compares with the bench mark statistics.
Typically MAG also participates in preparing the test plans and test datain an outsourced application development environment in India. This along with other components is discussed and agreed by the customer and forms the basis of the acceptance of the outsourced application development in India.
Author Bio----
Rohit is a high profile technical writer and E-Business Consulting consultant and tries his best to provide you latest information about various software development software development. Read more on Outsource Application Development marisela anton
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